If a small quantity of fresh silica gel placed inside an empty, sealed container changes its color within a few days, it indicates that the container is not moisture proof. Using a rubber gasket in the cap or lid helps to make an airtight seal.
The temperature and humidity of the air determine how much water is present in the seed. The seeds cannot be dried to lower MC than is determined by the ambient humidity, even by multiple and prolonged exposures. Even with heated air drying, only limited seed drying may be possible if the ambient air is already warm and humid. The seeds can only be dried to lower MC by enclosing the seeds away from the ambient air and lowering the relative humidity in the container.
Seeds are dried to preserve seed quality. Traditionally, farmers have dried seeds using sunlight and stored seeds in porous bags. Such seeds are exposed to ambient temperature and humidity conditions during storage. Seeds absorb moisture from the atmosphere until their moisture content (MC) is in equilibrium with the air humidity. High temperature and MC, particularly in combination, reduce seed storage life. Each 1% reduction in seed MC between 5-15% or 5 ̊C reduction in seed temperature between 0 and 50 ̊C doubles the life of the seed. Since controlling temperature is expensive in resource poor areas, drying seed to low MC by using seed drying beads is an effective alternative to maintain seed quality.
Seeds are the products of plant reproductive processes that when planted can germinate and produce a new plant of the same species. Many crops like lettuce, onion, tomatoes, cotton, corn, rice. etc. are planted each year from seeds. In addition, seeds are also part of our daily diet, providing about 70% of the total calories for human food needs.